Monday, March 18, 2013


If you are asked, “what are your interests?” I wonder what you will say. Well, if I’m asked I’d say something like, my interests are basically on fashion, writing, food, reading and meeting people. In terms of fashion: I appreciate good clothes when seen or worn by people. Even when I dress up myself it gives me this satisfaction (I feel empowered). The good thing is I don’t follow trends but I have my own style which most of the time creates trends for people to follow (people like my friends and family: since I’m not a celebrity but who knows?) while in school I wrote a piece on fashion think it was about skinny jeans and the shapes and sizes that are allowed to wear them. My love for writing was born while in school. The saying that “the pen is mightier than the sword” is true in itself. Since I’m an introvert, writing gives me the opportunity to express myself better in ways I couldn’t have done. It’s almost like another “Amaka”- the extrovert. Even though I haven’t written in a while (won’t necessarily call that writer’s block) but pure laziness. Hmmm, as for food, it just makes me happy. Basically tasty and delicious meals are just so fantastic lol. I know right? Words can’t express the way I feel about food. After a delicious meal, I’m usually alive- I sing and dance. My close friends have noticed that in me and I undoubtedly agree with them. Cooking and feeding others is my specialty and it makes me happy. I appreciate good food wherever; whenever. Of course my cooking skills are on point and I can go the extra mile to learn other intercontinental delicacies. I discuss food with my food-loving friends; trust me it’s better than talking about irrelevant things like boys lol. Reading I guess goes along with writing. I read to: relax; get information; study etc. my final year project, while in school, was specialized on the reading habits of children. People hardly read these days. Now I know we all have our excuses but I want to encourage us to read; at least a book in a month. YES YOU CAN! I’ll support you by doing some book reviews based on what I read. Meeting people- This can be anywhere: work, social events, market etc. I get this fulfillment knowing that I’m able to impress others by having good conversations, as well as, learning from them. It gives great exposure. Our interests most times may develop into strengths, so we can use it for good wherever we find ourselves in life. BE EMPOWERED!

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